“Johnny”, directed by Daniel Jaroszek, produced and distributed by NEXT FILM, was a huge success not only in cinemas (almost a million tickets sold), but also at the Eagles – Polish Film Awards gala. The film won in 4 categories.
Dawid Ogrodnik for the role of priest Jan Kaczkowski won Best Actor. Maria Pakulnis was awarded Best Supporting Actress. Liliana Gałązka was the winner in Best Makeup category. Daniel Jaroszek, the director of the film, collected the Audience Award – in this category, was decided by viewers casting their votes.
“Johnny” was the second highest-grossing Polish film in 2022 and has so far attracted 988,757 viewers to cinemas. The producer is Robert Kijak. Maciej Kraszewski is responsible for the screenplay (he was also among the nominees for the Eagles).